
May 21            7:00-8:00        Tewksbury Public Library panel:  “Becoming an Indie Author”


June 7              Franklin Farmers’ Market

June 20            Framingham Farmers’ Market

June 21            Franklin Farmers’ Market


July 11            Framingham Farmers’ Market

July 18            Natick Art Walk

July 19            Franklin Farmers’ Market

July 26            Franklin Farmers’ Market


August 2         Franklin Farmers’ Market

August 24 Killer Nashville


September 6    Franklin Farmers’ Market

September 13  Franklin Farmers’ Market

September 19  Framingham Farmers’ Market

September 20  Franklin Farmers’ Market


October 5        Ashland Farmers’ Market

October 10      Framingham Farmers’ Market

October 25      Franklin Farmers’ Market

EVENTS HELD IN 2022-2023

I’m proud to partner with our local farmers’ markets to sell books and meet the public!

My books are locally grown and free-range.

Natick Farmers’ Market Dates 2022-23

November 19        December 10         February 11            March 4       April 1 


Today is the best time in history to be a writer, for we are witnessing an explosion of opportunities that previous generations could hardly imagine. As the distinction between traditional and independent publishing blurs and even grows irrelevant, the real question becomes only this: what is the best way for you to get your work into the hands of the reading public? This workshop will provide a plethora of answers, whether your taste runs to digital, paperback, or hardcover. We will discuss the many forms of publishing available to today’s author, exploring the pros and cons of each, and detailing the types of projects best suited to each forum. Participants will leave the workshop knowing what publishing routes will best serve their goals and temperaments.

Novel Drafting Intensive

6 Tuesdays from 6:00-9:00pm, starting October 30th, 2018

This class takes place at Amazing Things Art Center, 160 Hollis Street, Framingham, MA 01702. 

Tilia usually teaches novel writing to prison inmates, but this class is available to the public. Now you don't have to knock over a Seven-Eleven to benefit from her knowledge! Tilia is pleased to be working with GrubStreet, one of the nation's premier independent creative writing centers.

Click here to get full details and to sign up.

July 24, 2014

I had the inestimable pleasure of sharing the stage with Agatha-winning author Hank Phillippi Ryan at the Randall Library in Stow on July 24.  I have to say we filled the place!  What an audience, and what a great evening.


I had never realized before that we were the Wrong ladies.

I had never realized before that we were the Wrong ladies.

I think the interview format gave Hank a bit of an edge, but the audience didn't seem to mind.

I think the interview format gave Hank a bit of an edge, but the audience didn't seem to mind.